Tips from ambassador Natalie Zuiverloon
What many people struggle with when thinking about starting a healthy(er) lifestyle and healthy(er) eating habits is where to start. It can be tricky to start eating healthy, which is why I share my personal tips for beginners who want to start with healthier eating patterns:
- Start small by making one or two small changes at a time to gradually improve your diet. Applying a small change each time makes it easier to stick to it.
- When I started eating healthier years ago, I started making food swaps. Since then I have applied several swaps (including white to whole grain, less sugar, more vegetables, more plant-based) and it is part of my diet.
- Try to make a healthier version of a favourite recipe at least once a week by searching the internet for healthier recipes with good reviews (e.g. lasagne with grilled vegetables) or by experimenting with new ingredients, herbs and spices yourself.